Asdivine Hearts - Some protips (2025)

I thought I'd pass on what I learned. The x360a roadmap tells you how to get the achievements, this is mostly about other things. This may have slight spoilers but I've tried to be as vague as possible.

-Turn on battle shortcut in the options menu. What this basically does is when you encounter enemies, if you're strong enough, they instantly die and you still get exp/gold/sp/items. I played on easy so I'm not sure how it'll work on harder difficulties but quite a few fights would instantly end this way, even before I got to the boss of an area. So it saves a lot of time. You still have to fight the enemies if they're strong enough, and metal type enemies never seemed to instantly die from this so you have to fight them regardless, but it still helps a ton.

-Make sure you destroy every rock you come across during fights, as they have a chance to drop AHP and you need it later. The rocks will disappear if you beat all the monsters first. I THINK you have a better chance of getting AHP if you use the pickax item on it, which you can find in shops. I have no clue if that's the case though, it just felt like it did.

-When you sleep for the night, you'll sometimes be able to talk to party members, and you'll have to pick between 2 choices. One choice will boost their trust and one won't do anything. For the normal endings, you need everyone under 85 trust for one ending, and when I finished (having picked the trust boosting option every time) they were all 100 or close to it, which meant I had to grind quite a bit to get items to lower their trust so I could get the ending. So, you want to get everyone at 80 trust to avoid this. The only way to see the actual trust number is to use a trust changing item. When you select it to use you'll be shown the actual numbers. These are : Ancient Book, Fabled Spices, Sardines, Secret Bromide. If you have them all at 80, then you only need one of each trust item to get them to 85 for each character's normal endings. If you have 60 AHP when you go to the final dungeon you can get homemade cookies to get them to 100 trust for the true endings as well. If not you'll need more of the Ancient Book type items.

-When you get the airship you can grind out missions in the double door building in Guternberg Castle (sp?) to get guild coins, and by this point you'll have mission 6 which is quite easy. It's a certain enemy that spawns most of the time when you're in the airship, You can use the guild coins at the exchange next to the arena girl to get weapons and armor that are much better than what you can get at that point, and will be better than anything you get for awhile. They are eventually outclassed though. Not strictly necessary, especially on easy, but makes things easier until the weapons from shops catch up. You'll also want to buy one of the trust items (like the Ancient Book) so you can check your actual trust numbers, as per the previous point.

-You'll learn about trust charges early on, and it's basically a gauge that fills up when you get hit or kill enemies. When it's maxed you can use a special attack, with each party member having a unique attack. You'll get a girl with light purple hair, and her trust charge attack is broken as fuck. It applies a bunch of debuffs including paralysis (which means the enemies can't attack for a few turns) along with reducing all their stats (str, int, speed, def). AND IT WORKS ON BOSSES. I only used it on bosses that weren't super easy to kill, but I assume it works on just about everything. I know for sure it works on the normal ending boss, which makes the fight an absolute joke, which is good since you need to do it 5 times for endings.

-There's a quest (88) that has you go into a castle with a disguise. After the scene that occurs when you enter, you'll be by some stairs. Around the stairs to the north is a door to the library. If you go to the area north of the barrels (where the soldier is) you can find fights with very strong enemies here. They give 100000s of exp, so I was able to go from level ~52 to 74 in less than a hour. You can even go much higher. Makes the rest of the game ezpz.

-The true ending boss is a huge step up from the normal ending boss, and only the main boss can be affected by the trust charge skill. The 2 smaller ones aren't. The main problem with this is that the smaller enemies will stop you from attacking the main boss in the back with some skills, so if you kill them quick it makes the fight much easier to manage. They take 1 damage from everything but critical hits, and dodge multi-hit skills quite often, so they can be hard to kill. In order to do it, before you go to the dungeon, you'll want a 20 jewel. This makes your attacks do 20 damage. The cat character gets 2 hits in a normal attack, meaning he does 40 damage to them which allows him to kill them much quicker. I didn't have one so I had to pray for a critical hit to kill one of them, which sucked. I didn't find any 20 jewels in chests (though I only got the chests I ran into since there is no achievement for them) so I suppose synthesis is the best way to go. This site has the synth combos so you can make one yourself :

I have nothing to do with that guide, so credit to the author and the site for it. That's all the tips I can think of. If you have any questions feel free to ask! And if you have any other tips make sure to post them.

"Slutty outfit? You're one to talk." "This isn't slutty, it's strategically placed."

Asdivine Hearts - Some protips (2025)
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