The content below is copied verbatim from RuneScape and thus copyrighted by Jagex.
This transcript involves dialogue with Alichino, Barbariccia, Cagnazzo, Calcabrina, Ciriatto, Draghignazzo, Farfarello, Graffiacane, Malacoda, Ophiuchus, Libicocco, Rubicante, Scarmiglione, and the player.
This transcript or section is incomplete and could do with improvement. Reason: Alichino might have dialogue if they're talked to without the cows in the inventory, which requires releasing them or sending them to one's bank remotely via pack yak or imp-in-a-box. |
- 1 Walking past Ophiuchus
- 2 Attempting to enter a zodiac portal for the first time
- 3 Inspecting the zodiac coins
- 3.1 Aries
- 3.2 Taurus
- 3.3 Gemini
- 3.4 Cancer
- 3.5 Leo
- 3.6 Virgo
- 3.7 Libra
- 3.8 Scorpio
- 3.9 Sagittarius
- 3.10 Capricorn
- 3.11 Aquarius
- 3.12 Pisces
- 4 Gargoyles
- 4.1 Ophiuchus
- 4.2 Cagnazzo
- 4.3 Libicocco
- 4.3.1 Using the Anger emote near the Taurus portal
- 4.3.2 Using the Angry emote near the gargoyle
- 4.3.3 Interacting with the gargoyle
- 4.4 Alichino
- 4.5 Rubicante
- 4.6 Graffiacane
- 4.7 Ciriatto
- 4.8 Scarmiglione
- 4.8.1 Blowing a raspberry at the Libra portal
- 4.8.2 Before blowing a raspberry in front of the gargoyle
- 4.8.3 Blowing a raspberry in front of the gargoyle
- 4.8.4 Talking to the gargoyle
- 4.9 Malacoda
- 4.10 Calcabrina
- 4.11 Barbariccia
- 4.12 Farfarello
- 4.13 Draghignazzo
- 5 Ramblings
- 6 Completing the mystery
Walking past Ophiuchus[edit | edit source]
- Gargoyle: Is it someone new?
- Player: Who said that?
The player rushes forward.
- Gargoyle: Is it someone new? This place is not for you. Have you come to play? For if you have, then you may stay.
- Player: What? You're a talking statue! Wait, or are you a gargoyle?
- Gargoyle: What else would I be? A guardian, perhaps? Maybe a watchdog, hmm? Most certainly a witness.
- Player: I, er, I have a rock hammer... Don't make me-
- Gargoyle: Bluff! I see much from my perch and I see through you. But worry not. The Malebranche and I no longer wish to see.
- Player: The Malebranche?
- Gargoyle: All of us gargoyles, we number thirteen. Our contract to watch, but yet not to be seen. We keep an eye on who comes and who goes, and witness the deeds that take place down below. And yet we grew tired of being bound to stone, as the centuries passed with us left alone. So, all we now wish for is to close our eyes, appease the thirteen and let each of us die.
- Player: Let me see if I have this. You and twelve other gargoyles - the Malebranche - are guardians of this place. You wish to leave but you are trapped in stone? But if I appease each of you, then you can die and then what?
- Gargoyle: We each crave something, to guess is the game. Bring this to us to remind us our names. Our names have the power to void our contract, and all it requires is for you to act.
- Player: Where are the other members of the Malebranche?
- Gargoyle: Picture this place as the face of a clock, seek out the hours and work our their lock. Through zodiac portals you shall meet the rest; upon them are coins that give hints to your quest.
- Player: So there are zodiac portals - star signs - equally spaced around the rings here, and sat on each of them is a coin that tells me what to do? Once I've figured out how to appease each gargoyle, I'll be able to use these portals to visit them and remind them who they are? Final question. How can I appease you? How can I help you remember your name?
Long pause in dialogue, and the gargoyle turns.
- Mystery Uncovered: 'Contract Claws'.
- Gargoyle: You've given me hope that we thirteen can leave. You will free us all, this much I believe. Though I rest my eyes, I shall remain for a time, and end this palaver with a name, not a rhyme. I am Ophiuchus, thirteenth of the Malebranche...and I am freed.
Attempting to enter a zodiac portal for the first time[edit | edit source]
- Player: There was a coin sat atop this portal...
- Player receives a zodiac coin for the specific portal
- Player: This portal isn't working. These zodiac portals seem different from the other chaos portals in this place. There must be some trick to it.
Inspecting the zodiac coins[edit | edit source]
Aries[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Aries symbol and the name Cagnazzo on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a ram and the word 'Dog'.
Taurus[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Taurus symbol and the name Libicocco on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a bull and the word 'Anger'.
Gemini[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Gemini symbol and the name Alichino on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a twin humans and the word 'Harlequin'.
Cancer[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Cancer symbol and the name Rubicante on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a crab and the word 'Red'.
Leo[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Leo symbol and the name Graffiacane on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a lion and the word 'Hurt'.
Virgo[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Virgo symbol and the name Ciriatto on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a human maiden and the word 'Bacon'.
Libra[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Libra symbol and the name Scarmiglione on one side, and on the other side a depiction of some scales and the word 'Raspberry'.
Scorpio[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Scorpio symbol and the name Malacoda on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a scorpion and the word 'Spawn'.
Sagittarius[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Sagittarius symbol and the name Calcabrina on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a centaur and the word 'Prayer'.
Capricorn[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Capricorn symbol and the name Barbariccia on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a sea-goat and the word 'Beard'.
Aquarius[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Aquarius symbol and the name Farfarello on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a human carrying water and the word 'Goblin'.
Pisces[edit | edit source]
- Player: This coin has the Pisces symbol and the name Draghignazzo on one side, and on the other side a depiction of a fish and the word 'Dragon'.
Gargoyles[edit | edit source]
Ophiuchus[edit | edit source]
- Gargoyle: You've given me hope that we thirteen can leave. You will free us all, this much I believe.
- Gargoyle: Though I rest my eyes, I shall remain for a time, and end this palaver with a name, not a rhyme.
- Gargoyle: I am Ophiuchus, thirteenth of the Malebranche...and I am freed.
Cagnazzo[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (Without a dog:)
- Gargoyle: No dog, no dice.
- (With a dog:)
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 1.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 1.
- (Continues below.)
- (Without a dog:)
- (With a dog:)
- Gargoyle: Mmm, that's one hot dog. Can I have it? My mouth is watering, and it looks so tasty. If not, why else would you bring it but to tease poor Cagnazzo, hmm?
- Player: You're not eating my dog!
- (Continues below.)
- Gargoyle: Fine, fine, my zodiac number is 0 - the first of the sequence. Why? Because it is, because I say, because it has always been - question it not. Question the others.
- Gargoyle: The next of us is a real hothead. Get ANGRY with the portals until one flares up, then get angrier still in the next one's face.
Libicocco[edit | edit source]
Using the Anger emote near the Taurus portal[edit | edit source]
- The Taurus portal appears to flare up ever so slightly...
Using the Angry emote near the gargoyle[edit | edit source]
- The gargoyle doesn't move, but you sense it take notice of you...
Interacting with the gargoyle[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (Before performing the Angry emote:)
- Gargoyle: You aren't even slightly miffed.
- (After performing the Angry emote:)
- (Gargoyle moves slightly.)
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 2.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 2.
- (Continues below.)
- (Before performing the Angry emote:)
- Gargoyle: Mess with the hothead, get the hot horns - ha! The bull sent you, I'd wager. Why to Libicocco? Why here?
- Gargoyle: Oh, I see - your head burns with questions. Ask it! No, it knows already. My zodiac number is 4.
- Gargoyle: Now go! It grows angry with you! When I get angry, the only thing to calm me is the HARLEQUIN. All I know of them is that they like their food cold, with chocolatey goodness, strawberry scented and just a touch of vanilla.
- Gargoyle: All three flavours - be they in one or separately - settle my BEEF with you by helping my joker friend.
Alichino[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (Without any cows in backpack:)
- Gargoyle:No cow, no clue.
- (With with a harlequin cow in backpack:)
- Gargoyle: Ooh, a triple-flavoured cow. A present for me? My mouth waters at the sight of it. Yum, yum. But I can see you will not feed it to me. Feed Alichino and we'll talk...
- Give Alichino the Harlequin cow?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 3.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 3.
- Gargoyle: Yum! I like cow, but I will not change my name. No, I am no troll. Haha!
- Gargoyle: Oh fine, don't laugh, just take my zodiac number and get in line - it is 8.
- Gargoyle: I am sated, but next for you is the RED-faced one. To seek it out you must DYE - haha!
- No.
- (Dialogue ends)
- Yes.
- (With with a chocolate cow, a strawberry cow and a vanilla cow in backpack:)
- Gargoyle: Ooh, three flavoured cows. A present for me? My mouth waters at the sight of them. Yum, yum. But I can see you will not feed them to me. Feed Alichino and we'll talk...
- Give Alichino a chocolate, strawberry and vanilla cow?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 3.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 3.
- Gargoyle: Yum! I like cow, but I will not change my name. No, I am no troll. Haha!
- Gargoyle: Oh fine, don't laugh, just take my zodiac number and get in line - it is 8.
- Gargoyle: I am sated, but next for you is the RED-faced one. To seek it out you must DYE - haha!
- No.
- (Dialogue ends.)
- Yes.
- (Without any cows in backpack:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Yum! I like cow, but I will not change my name. No, I am no troll. Haha!
- Gargoyle: Oh fine, don't laugh, just take my zodiac number and get in line - it is 8.
- Gargoyle: I am sated, but next for you is the RED-faced one. To seek it out you must DYE - haha!
Rubicante[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle:Turn enemy to friend - paint it red!
- (With red dye:)
- Give the gargoyle the red dye?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 4.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 4.
- Gargoyle: Red is dead! Are you hot? Out of breath? Angry with me? Here for your death?
- Gargoyle: Perhaps just embarrassed you forgot a treat for old Rubicante, huh? Never mind, I continue in my suffering. Have my zodiac number; it is 4.
- Gargoyle: Now, find the scratcher of dogs - GIVE YOURSELF A SCRATCH then step through a portal!
- No.
- Gargoyle: Give me DYE or I give you DIE.
- Yes.
- Give the gargoyle the red dye?
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Red is dead! Are you hot? Out of breath? Angry with me? Here for your death?
- Gargoyle: Perhaps just embarrassed you forgot a treat for old Rubicante, huh? Never mind, I continue in my suffering. Have my zodiac number; it is 4.
- Gargoyle: Now, find the scratcher of dogs - GIVE YOURSELF A SCRATCH then step through a portal!
Graffiacane[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (On full health:)
- Gargoyle: Not a SCRATCH on you... Want Graffiacane to do it for you?
- (With some health missing:)
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 5.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 5.
- Gargoyle: Hmm, the red-faced one sent you here, perhaps? This is why I scratch - that one frustrates me so. I scratch its eyes, its cheeks, its chin. that is why its face is red. Ha!
- Gargoyle: You already scratched yourself, so you may have my number. 0 is my zodiac number! Let Graffiacane scratch it in your eyes so you don't forget, hmm? It won't hurt, I promise.
- Gargoyle: Haha! Next for you is the pig - bring it home some BACON! On the ring above, picture it a clock, three hands point to it, what's the time tick-tock?
- (On full health:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Hmm, the red-faced one sent you here, perhaps? This is why I scratch - that one frustrates me so. I scratch its eyes, its cheeks, its chin. that is why its face is red. Ha!
- Gargoyle: You already scratched yourself, so you may have my number. 0 is my zodiac number! Let Graffiacane scratch it in your eyes so you don't forget, hmm? It won't hurt, I promise.
- Gargoyle: Haha! Next for you is the pig - bring it home some BACON! On the ring above, picture it a clock, three hands point to it, what's the time tick-tock?
Ciriatto[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Did you figure out what time it is? Oink, oink! Feed Ciriatto the flesh, or leave it in peace.
- (Without bacon:)
- Gargoyle: Where is the flesh? Bring the flesh! Time is running out for you...
- (With bacon:)
- Give Ciriatto some bacon?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 6.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 6.
- Gargoyle: Yummy. Tasty. My zodiac number in return is 0!
- Gargoyle: You'll want to cause some trouble next. Maybe BLOW a RASPBERRY to see which portal takes offence, then blow another in the next one's face!
- No.
- (Dialogue ends.)
- Yes.
- Give Ciriatto some bacon?
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Yummy. Tasty. My zodiac number in return is 0!
- Gargoyle: You'll want to cause some trouble next. Maybe BLOW a RASPBERRY to see which portal takes offence, then blow another in the next one's face!
Scarmiglione[edit | edit source]
Blowing a raspberry at the Libra portal[edit | edit source]
- The Libra portal appears to flare up ever so slightly...
Before blowing a raspberry in front of the gargoyle[edit | edit source]
- Gargoyle: Go away, you bore me.
Blowing a raspberry in front of the gargoyle[edit | edit source]
- The gargoyle doesn't move, but you sense it take notice of you...
Talking to the gargoyle[edit | edit source]
- (Gargoyle moves slightly.)
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 7.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 7.
- Gargoyle: You are a maker of trouble, no? No! Scarmiglione is the troublemaker! You won't make more trouble than me or I will make trouble for you!
- Gargoyle: Go make trouble somewhere else - take my zodiac number, 4, and go!
- Gargoyle: Go bother the evil tail, but beware its sting. Its favourite food is the SPAWN of a FROG - take some!
Malacoda[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (Without frog spawn:)
- Gargoyle: I shall not talk to you, little frog, unless you bring some spawn to eat.
- (With frog spawn:)
- Give the gargoyle some frogspawn?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 8.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 8.
- Gargoyle: I am Malacoda, the scorpion - have you heard the tale? The tail? Have or not, you can't trust me; it is just my nature, you see? Come closer...
- Gargoyle: No! I will sting you. Stay away. Take my zodiac number - it is 4 - and step back, little frog.
- Gargoyle: Pray we do not meet again. Pray PROTECT from scorpion sting. Pray to meet the next instead. Pray and pray, PRAY OVERHEAD.
- No.
- Gargoyle: Then go away, little frog.
- Yes.
- Give the gargoyle some frogspawn?
- (Without frog spawn:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: I am Malacoda, the scorpion - have you heard the tale? The tail? Have or not, you can't trust me; it is just my nature, you see? Come closer...
- Gargoyle: No! I will sting you. Stay away. Take my zodiac number - it is 4 - and step back, little frog.
- Gargoyle: Pray we do not meet again. Pray PROTECT from scorpion sting. Pray to meet the next instead. Pray and pray, PRAY OVERHEAD.
Calcabrina[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (Without protect prayer or deflect curse:)
- Gargoyle: Nothing can protect you from me. Try it and you will see.
- (With protect prayer or deflect curse:)
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 9.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 9.
- Gargoyle: No praying here - I stomp that grace! Grace Stomper, see - it is me, Calcabrina! Your gods cannot help you here.
- Gargoyle: I've had my fun for now. So for now, have my zodiac number - it is 6.
- Gargoyle: For what comes next only BEARDS may apply, but if it's real you'll be denied, so make it FAKE and step inside, the goat you'll note will know you lied.
- (Without protect prayer or deflect curse:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: No praying here - I stomp that grace! Grace Stomper, see - it is me, Calcabrina! Your gods cannot help you here.
- Gargoyle: I've had my fun for now. So for now, have my zodiac number - it is 6.
- Gargoyle: For what comes next only BEARDS may apply, but if it's real you'll be denied, so make it FAKE and step inside, the goat you'll note will know you lied.
Barbariccia[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (While not wearing a fake beard:)
- Gargoyle: Your face isn't hairy enough!
- (While wearing a fake beard:)
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 10.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 10.
- Gargoyle: My, my, my, that beard looks delicious. I could just eat it all up for dinner. But it's fake, isn't it? So strange you come here and make no offering to Barbariccia, mock it instead...
- Gargoyle: So be it! Take my zodiac number - it is 0 - then be on your way. Spare me temptation.
- Gargoyle: Off to the goblin with you! To do so, you must BECOME THE GOBLIN!
- (While not wearing a fake beard:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: My, my, my, that beard looks delicious. I could just eat it all up for dinner. But it's fake, isn't it? So strange you come here and make no offering to Barbariccia, mock it instead...
- Gargoyle: So be it! Take my zodiac number - it is 0 - then be on your way. Spare me temptation.
- Gargoyle: Off to the goblin with you! To do so, you must BECOME THE GOBLIN!
Farfarello[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- (As a goblin:)
- Gargoyle: You are not a goblin. Show me your true self or I will think you are my food...
- (As a human:)
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 11.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 11.
- Gargoyle: Ah, that is better. I am the only goblin here - Farfarello - though I could do with a bite to eat. Red or green, red or green?
- Gargoyle: My favorite colour is blood red! Bah! Take my zodiac number - 2 - and go. You make me hungry.
- Gargoyle: Go feed yourself to the dragon, yes? The dragon holds the twelfth number of the sequence. Could not be easier to find - take the DRAGON his BONES.
- (As a goblin:)
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: Ah, that is better. I am the only goblin here - Farfarello - though I could do with a bite to eat. Red or green, red or green?
- Gargoyle: My favorite colour is blood red! Bah! Take my zodiac number - 2 - and go. You make me hungry.
- Gargoyle: Go feed yourself to the dragon, yes? The dragon holds the twelfth number of the sequence. Could not be easier to find - take the DRAGON his BONES.
Draghignazzo[edit | edit source]
- (Before appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: I am Draghignazzo, the Great Red Dragon! Feed me or fear me! Crunchy, tasty bones.
- (If dragon bones are in backpack:)
- Feed Draghignazzo some dragon bones?
- Yes.
- Gargoyle moves slightly.
- Player receives Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 12.
- You find Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 12.
- Gargoyle: It has been too long. An age, or two...or three? Ah, zodiac numbers - I remember mine, it is 4? Yes, that was it.
- Gargoyle: Go with peace, I am sated. You may need to find the first of us still. A human's best friend will lead you astray, face-to-face with a nasty dog.
- Gargoyle: Take a PET with you, but do not feed the dog! Hahaha! Astray? A stray? Beware the DOG!
- No.
- Gargoyle: Give me the bones! Crunchy, tasty. Why deny me them? Please, give me the bones...
- Yes.
- Feed Draghignazzo some dragon bones?
- (After appeasing the gargoyle:)
- Gargoyle: It has been too long. An age, or two...or three? Ah, zodiac numbers - I remember mine, it is 4? Yes, that was it.
- Gargoyle: Go with peace, I am sated. You may need to find the first of us still. A human's best friend will lead you astray, face-to-face with a nasty dog.
- Gargoyle: Take a PET with you, but do not feed the dog! Hahaha! Astray? A stray? Beware the DOG!
Ramblings[edit | edit source]
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 1.
Mmm, that's one hot dog. Can I have it? My mouth is watering and it looks so tasty. If not, why else would you bring it but to tease poor Cagnazzo, hmm? Fine, fine, my zodiac number is 0 - the first of the sequence. Why? Because it is, because I say, because it has always been - question it not. Question the others. The next of us is a real hothead. Get ANGRY with the portals until one flares up, then get angrier still in the next one's face.
-Cagnazzo, 1st of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 2.
Mess with the hothead, get the hot horns - ha! The bull sent you, I'd wager. Why to Libicocco? Why here? Oh, I see - your head burns with questions. Ask it! No, it knows already. My zodiac number is 4. Now go! It grows angry with you! When I get angry, the only thing to calm me is the HARLEQUIN. All I know of them is that they like their food cold, with chocolatey goodness, strawberry scented and just a touch of vanilla. All three flavours - be they in one or separately - settle my BEEF with you by helping my joker friend.
-Libicocco, 2nd of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 3.
Ooh, a triple-flavoured cow. A present for me? My mouth waters at the sight of it. Yum, yum. But I can see you will not feed it to me. Feed Alichino and we'll talk... Yum! I like cow, but I will not change my name. No, I am no troll. Haha! Oh fine, don't laugh, just take my zodiac number and get in line - it is 8. I am sated, but next for you is the RED-faced one. To seek it out you must DYE - haha!
-Alichino, 3rd of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 4.
Turn enemy to friend - paint it red! Red is dead! Are you hot? Out of breath? Angry with me? Here for your death? Perhaps just embarrassed you forgot a treat for old Rubicante, huh? Never mind, I continue in my suffering. Have my zodiac number; it is 4. Now, find the scratcher of dogs - GIVE YOURSELF A SCRATCH then step through a portal!
-Rubicante, 4th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 5.
Hmm, the red-faced one sent you here, perhaps? This is why I scratch - that one frustrates me so. I scratch its eyes, its cheeks, its chin. That is why its face is red. Ha! You already scratched yourself, so you may have my number. 0 is my zodiac number! Let Graffiacane scratch it in your eyes so you don't forget, hmm? It won't hurt, I promise. Haha! Next for you is the pig - bring it home some BACON! On the ring above, picture it a clock, three hands point to it, what's the time tick-tock?
-Graffiacane, 5th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 6.
Did you figure out what time it is? Oink, oink! Feed Ciriatto the flesh, or leave it in peace. Yummy. Tasty. My zodiac number in return is 0! You'll want to cause some trouble next. Maybe BLOW a RASPBERRY to see which portal takes offence, then blow another in the next one's face!
-Ciriatto, 6th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 7.
You are a maker of trouble, no? No! Scarmiglione is the troublemaker! You won't make more trouble than me or I will make trouble for you! Go make trouble somewhere else - take my zodiac number, 4, and go! Go bother the evil tail, but beware its sting. His favourite food is the SPAWN of a FROG - take some!
-Scarmiglione, 7th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 8.
I shall not talk to you, little frog, unless you bring some spawn to eat. I am Malacoda, the scorpion - have you heard the tale? The tail? Have or not, you can't trust me; it is just my nature, you see? Come closer... No! I will sting you. Stay away. Take my zodiac number - it is 4 - and step back, little frog. Pray we do not meet again. Pray PROTECT from scorpion sting. Pray to meet the next instead. Pray and pray, PRAY OVERHEAD.
-Malacoda, 8th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 9.
No praying here - I stomp that grace! Grace Stomper, see - it is me, Calcabrina! Your gods cannot help you here. I've had my fun for now. So for now, have my zodiac number - it is 6. For what comes next only BEARDS may apply, but if it's real you'll be denied, so make it FAKE and step inside, the goat you'll note will know you lied.
-Calcabrina, 9th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 10.
My, my, my, that beard looks delicious. I could just eat it all up for dinner. But it's fake, isn't it? So strange you come here and make no offering to Barbariccia, mock it instead... So be it! Take my zodiac number - it is 0 - then be on your way. Spare me temptation. Off to the goblin with you! To do so, you must BECOME THE GOBLIN!
-Barbariccia, 10th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 11.
You are not a goblin. Show your true self or I will think you are my food... Ah, that is better. I am the only goblin here - Farfarello - though I could do with a bite to eat. Red or green, red or green? My favourite colour is blood red! Bah! Take my zodiac number - 2 - and go. You make me hungry. Go feed yourself to the dragon, yes? The dragon holds the twelfth number of the sequence. Could not be easier to find - take the DRAGON his BONES.
-Farfarello, 11th of the Malebranche
The following text is transcluded from Transcript:Ramblings of a gargoyle, sequence 12.
I am Draghignazzo, the Great Red Dragon! Feed me or fear me! Crunchy, tasty bones. It has been too long. An age, or two...or three? Ah, zodiac numbers - I remember mine, it is 4? Yes, that was it. Go with peace, I am sated. You may need to find the first of us still. A human's best friend will lead you astray, face-to-face with a nasty dog. Take a PET with you, but do not feed the dog! Hahaha! Astray? A stray? Beware the DOG!
-Draghignazzo, 12th of the Malebranche
Completing the mystery[edit | edit source]
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